Pre-Sales / Support FAQ




How soon will my account be set up and ready to use?
Is my access 24 hours a day?
Can BluePixel register domain names for me?
Does BluePixel allow adult, warez or other illicit sites or content?
What are your Network Connections?
What is your server environment?
Where are your servers located?
Where is BluePixel located?
Can I get unlimited bandwidth?

How soon will my account be set up and ready to use?
Your account will be setup with 15 minutes or less in most cases. You will receive an email with your account information, IP address, user name and password. You can then start uploading your site.

Is my access 24 hours a day?
Yes. You will have access to your account 24 hours a day.

Can BluePixel register domain names for me?
Yes. BluePixel will bean affilated reseller of TUCOWS, Inc. through their OpenSRS program. You will find TUCOWS among the ICANN accredited registrars. We will charge €15/domain per year.

Does BluePixel allow adult, warez or other illicit sites or content?
No. Please see our terms and conditions page for permissible and unpermissable content.

What are your Network Connections?
Our network consists of redundant DS-3 network connections to provide a high-availability platform for all business needs.

What is your server environment?
Our servers are Intel Pentium IIIs with high-speed SCSI or IDE drives. Please refer to the individual specifications for the dedicated server packages for more information. The operating system is Red Hat Linux running Apache Web Server. This is a fairly typical web server setup.

Where are your servers located?
BluePixel's servers are located in a Network Operations Center (NOC) in Colorado. There they are monitored 24x7x365, in a data center environment that provides security, backup power, and direct access to the internet backbones.

Where is BluePixel located?
BluePixel is headquartered in Athens.

Can I get unlimited bandwidth?
No. We do not offer packages with unlimited bandwidth primarily because there is no such thing. Any one that promises that is not telling the truth. Somewhere in their terms and conditions are probably some words referring to "excessive use of resources", and in effect these place some arbitrary limit on your bandwidth. We set limits to both protect you and to provide you with a reliable service.


Does BluePixel offer support?
Why doesn't BluePixel offer phone support?
What do the various error codes mean?

Does BluePixel offer support?
Yes. BluePixel does offer support through our support page or by sending an email to

Why doesn't BluePixel offer phone support?
We prefer support requests to come through our trouble ticket reporting system or email for a variety of reasons. First, it provides an audit trail of communication so that all the facts can be passed on to whomever may be working your problem.
Second, it allow us to focus on fixing problems instead of answering the phone.
Third, we soon will be implementing a knowledge base/help desk system that allows you to monitor your problem or service issue through its resolution.

What do the various error codes mean?
100 - Informative
-100 Continue
-101 Switching Protocols
200 - Client Request Successful
-200 OK
-201 Created
-202 Accepted
-203 Non-Authoritative Information
-204 No Content
-205 Reset Content
-206 Partial Content
300 - Client Request Redirected, further action necessary
-300 Multiple Choices
-301 Moved Permanently
-302 Moved Temporarily
-303 See Other
-304 Not Modified (This means the file was loaded from the browser cache instead of being resent by the server)
-305 Use Proxy
400 - Client request incomplete
-400 Bad Request
-401 Unauthorized
-402 Payment Required
-403 Forbidden
-404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed
-406 Not Acceptable
-407 Proxy Authentication Required
-408 Request Time-Out
-409 Conflict
-410 Gone
-411 Length Required
-412 Precondition Failed
-413 Request Entity Too Large
-414 Request-URL Too Large
-415 Unsupported Media Type
500 - Server errors
-500 Server Error
-501 Not Implemented
-502 Bad Gateway
-503 Out of Resources
-504 Gateway Time-Out
-505 HTTP Version not supported



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