
We offer an array of valuable hosting plans to suit any individual, or corporation's needs. Whether you are small, medium, or large site oriented, BluePixel gets the job done right.

Our hosting solutions combine top-notch features, reliable customer support, lightning-fast connections and generous allotments of space/bandwidth for an affordable price. We offer a wide range of hosting packages that are made to suit your particular needs. We currently use Unix based servers. Windows server based plans can be arranged. Unless you specifically plan on using ASP and/or an Access database, please choose a Unix plan since they tend to be more reliable and easier to use.

Take a look at our plan comparisons page to see the full breakdown of our Virtual Web Hosting plans. We currently offer 6 web hosting packages to meet your needs.

Plan Comparison: US Customers($) Greek Customers(€) European Customers(€) 

Speed, reliability and reasonable rates make our service an easy choice. Please look at the charts to figure out which one will suit your particular needs.

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